Our school colours are pale blue and royal blue. All of the items listed below are required for our school.
Boys wear pale blue or white polo shirts, royal blue sweatshirts and grey trousers or shorts. Girls can wear grey skirts, pinafore dresses, trousers with pale blue or white polo shirts and royal blue cardigans or sweatshirts.
Uniform with the school badge on is optional.
In the summer term children can wear grey shorts or blue gingham dresses although we do not have seasonal uniform, any items can be worn at any time of year.
All black shoes or boots are required. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear that they can put on and take off independently.
Uniform should be worn on all occasions. Pupils will be informed in advance if school uniform is not required.
Our PE kit is a White t-shirt and royal blue shorts with black pumps. PE kits are to be brought in at the start of the school term and will remain in school until the end of each term.
We ask that all items of clothing are labelled with the child's name on.
Uniform with our school badge on can be purchased from Haig Embroidery, Unit A19 Haig Enterprise Park, Whitehaven, CA28 9AN. Tel: 01946 328036. Email: info@haigembroidery.com
Most of our uniform items can also be purchased from other retailers such as: Morrisons, Tesco, George at Asda, Matalan, Next and Sainsburys, these are without our school badge but both our branded school uniform and generic is accepted in school.
Jewellery is not permitted in school, for Health and Safety reasons. No earrings to be worn (these MUST be removed before school). Anyone wearing earrings will not be allowed out to play or take part in any physical activities until removed.
Our school colours are pale blue and royal blue. All of the items listed below are required for our school.
Boys wear pale blue or white polo shirts, royal blue sweatshirts and grey trousers or shorts. Girls can wear grey skirts, pinafore dresses, trousers with pale blue or white polo shirts and royal blue cardigans or sweatshirts.
Uniform with the school badge on is optional.
In the summer term children can wear grey shorts or blue gingham dresses although we do not have seasonal uniform, any items can be worn at any time of year.
All black shoes or boots are required. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear that they can put on and take off independently.
Uniform should be worn on all occasions. Pupils will be informed in advance if school uniform is not required.
Our PE kit is a White t-shirt and royal blue shorts with black pumps. PE kits are to be brought in at the start of the school term and will remain in school until the end of each term.
We ask that all items of clothing are labelled with the child's name on.
Uniform with our school badge on can be purchased from Haig Embroidery, Unit A19 Haig Enterprise Park, Whitehaven, CA28 9AN. Tel: 01946 328036. Email: info@haigembroidery.com
Most of our uniform items can also be purchased from other retailers such as: Morrisons, Tesco, George at Asda, Matalan, Next and Sainsburys, these are without our school badge but both our branded school uniform and generic is accepted in school.
Jewellery is not permitted in school, for Health and Safety reasons. No earrings to be worn (these MUST be removed before school). Anyone wearing earrings will not be allowed out to play or take part in any physical activities until removed.