
Parents' meetings: 25th September.                            Library visit: 4th October                                           

History trip: 20th October                                        Halloween disco: 31st October   


Our teaching team

Class 1: Mrs Rowlandson

Class 4: Miss Lewthwaite

Class 8: Mrs Trainor

Our support team

Class 1: Mrs McLaughlin

Class 4: Mrs Peck

Class 9: Mrs Gillespie


Scroll down for our weekly learning updates!

Children need to:

  • Bring PE kits into school for PE (PE will be on a Wednesday this term)
  • Bring their clear reading book bags in every Tuesday
  • Bring a bottle of water into school everyday

Our topic this term is



 below are our knowledge organisers that will give you useful information on what your child will be learning in school.  We love to see our children practising the skills that they have already learnt in school!


Our Year 2 children have been getting into the swing of their weekly spellings that we have incorporated into our English lessons. Below is a list of all the spellings that the children need to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2.



This term we are trying so hard to practise our cursive handwriting as well as remembering how to compose a sentence. 

We are focusing on capital letters, punctuation and adjectives this term. 


Take a look at some of the children's fabulous writing...



This term, in Maths, we are concentrating on number recognition, place value, comparing numbers and addition and subtraction. 

Have a look at our children working hard in Maths....


Autumn 1 -

In Science, we have been exploring different materials. The children have categorised and compared materials. They have also gone on a materials hunt around school and found different materials around us. 


Autumn 2 - 

This term, we're exploring 'Animals including humans'. We will be learning all about a human's life cycle and we will compare that with an animal's life cycle. 

Topic: 'Fire'- History 

This term, we have learned all about The Great Fire of London. The children have loved finding out all about the event and have enjoyed comparing London in 1666 to London now. They have placed events chronologically into a timeline, explored sources of information and have even re-enacted the Great Fire with the help from our local firefighters. 

Trip to Whitehaven 

As apart of our history topic 'fire', we visited our local town centre (Whitehaven) to see St Nicholas' church. In August 1971, St Nicholas' church set on fire and more than half of the church burned down; it still remains that way today. 

The children were able to compare this 'fire' tragedy with the Great Fire of London (1666). The children even got to speak to two women who were present at the fire in Whitehaven; asking them lots of wonderful questions. 



This term, the children will be exploring all about the United Kingdom. They will find out about the countries which make up the UK by using maps, a globe and an atlas to help them. They will deep further into England's capital city, London (which they have just learned about in History) and they will compare London (a city) with Whitehaven (a town).


Physical Education 

This term in PE, we have been exploring the art of 'dance' and we have been learning how to 'throw and catch' in PE. Take a look at us using and applying the new skills that we have learned during our PE lessons. 


This term we are going to be learning about blending and colour mixing. We will be learning about the artist 'Daniel Burren' and we will be creating a stained- glass window affect in the style of Daniel Burren. 


This term, the children will be designing, making and evaluating their own Christmas puppet. They will be learning how to sew using felt and needles. 


Parents' meetings: 25th September.                            Library visit: 4th October                                           

History trip: 20th October                                        Halloween disco: 31st October   


Our teaching team

Class 1: Mrs Rowlandson

Class 4: Miss Lewthwaite

Class 8: Mrs Trainor

Our support team

Class 1: Mrs McLaughlin

Class 4: Mrs Peck

Class 9: Mrs Gillespie


Scroll down for our weekly learning updates!

Children need to:

  • Bring PE kits into school for PE (PE will be on a Wednesday this term)
  • Bring their clear reading book bags in every Tuesday
  • Bring a bottle of water into school everyday

Our topic this term is



 below are our knowledge organisers that will give you useful information on what your child will be learning in school.  We love to see our children practising the skills that they have already learnt in school!


Our Year 2 children have been getting into the swing of their weekly spellings that we have incorporated into our English lessons. Below is a list of all the spellings that the children need to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2.



This term we are trying so hard to practise our cursive handwriting as well as remembering how to compose a sentence. 

We are focusing on capital letters, punctuation and adjectives this term. 


Take a look at some of the children's fabulous writing...



This term, in Maths, we are concentrating on number recognition, place value, comparing numbers and addition and subtraction. 

Have a look at our children working hard in Maths....


Autumn 1 -

In Science, we have been exploring different materials. The children have categorised and compared materials. They have also gone on a materials hunt around school and found different materials around us. 


Autumn 2 - 

This term, we're exploring 'Animals including humans'. We will be learning all about a human's life cycle and we will compare that with an animal's life cycle. 

Topic: 'Fire'- History 

This term, we have learned all about The Great Fire of London. The children have loved finding out all about the event and have enjoyed comparing London in 1666 to London now. They have placed events chronologically into a timeline, explored sources of information and have even re-enacted the Great Fire with the help from our local firefighters. 

Trip to Whitehaven 

As apart of our history topic 'fire', we visited our local town centre (Whitehaven) to see St Nicholas' church. In August 1971, St Nicholas' church set on fire and more than half of the church burned down; it still remains that way today. 

The children were able to compare this 'fire' tragedy with the Great Fire of London (1666). The children even got to speak to two women who were present at the fire in Whitehaven; asking them lots of wonderful questions. 



This term, the children will be exploring all about the United Kingdom. They will find out about the countries which make up the UK by using maps, a globe and an atlas to help them. They will deep further into England's capital city, London (which they have just learned about in History) and they will compare London (a city) with Whitehaven (a town).


Physical Education 

This term in PE, we have been exploring the art of 'dance' and we have been learning how to 'throw and catch' in PE. Take a look at us using and applying the new skills that we have learned during our PE lessons. 


This term we are going to be learning about blending and colour mixing. We will be learning about the artist 'Daniel Burren' and we will be creating a stained- glass window affect in the style of Daniel Burren. 


This term, the children will be designing, making and evaluating their own Christmas puppet. They will be learning how to sew using felt and needles. 


Parents' meetings: 25th September.                            Library visit: 4th October                                           

History trip: 20th October                                        Halloween disco: 31st October   


Our teaching team

Class 1: Mrs Rowlandson

Class 4: Miss Lewthwaite

Class 8: Mrs Trainor

Our support team

Class 1: Mrs McLaughlin

Class 4: Mrs Peck

Class 9: Mrs Gillespie


Scroll down for our weekly learning updates!

Children need to:

  • Bring PE kits into school for PE (PE will be on a Wednesday this term)
  • Bring their clear reading book bags in every Tuesday
  • Bring a bottle of water into school everyday

Our topic this term is



 below are our knowledge organisers that will give you useful information on what your child will be learning in school.  We love to see our children practising the skills that they have already learnt in school!


Our Year 2 children have been getting into the swing of their weekly spellings that we have incorporated into our English lessons. Below is a list of all the spellings that the children need to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2.



This term we are trying so hard to practise our cursive handwriting as well as remembering how to compose a sentence. 

We are focusing on capital letters, punctuation and adjectives this term. 


Take a look at some of the children's fabulous writing...



This term, in Maths, we are concentrating on number recognition, place value, comparing numbers and addition and subtraction. 

Have a look at our children working hard in Maths....


Autumn 1 -

In Science, we have been exploring different materials. The children have categorised and compared materials. They have also gone on a materials hunt around school and found different materials around us. 


Autumn 2 - 

This term, we're exploring 'Animals including humans'. We will be learning all about a human's life cycle and we will compare that with an animal's life cycle. 

Topic: 'Fire'- History 

This term, we have learned all about The Great Fire of London. The children have loved finding out all about the event and have enjoyed comparing London in 1666 to London now. They have placed events chronologically into a timeline, explored sources of information and have even re-enacted the Great Fire with the help from our local firefighters. 

Trip to Whitehaven 

As apart of our history topic 'fire', we visited our local town centre (Whitehaven) to see St Nicholas' church. In August 1971, St Nicholas' church set on fire and more than half of the church burned down; it still remains that way today. 

The children were able to compare this 'fire' tragedy with the Great Fire of London (1666). The children even got to speak to two women who were present at the fire in Whitehaven; asking them lots of wonderful questions. 



This term, the children will be exploring all about the United Kingdom. They will find out about the countries which make up the UK by using maps, a globe and an atlas to help them. They will deep further into England's capital city, London (which they have just learned about in History) and they will compare London (a city) with Whitehaven (a town).


Physical Education 

This term in PE, we have been exploring the art of 'dance' and we have been learning how to 'throw and catch' in PE. Take a look at us using and applying the new skills that we have learned during our PE lessons. 


This term we are going to be learning about blending and colour mixing. We will be learning about the artist 'Daniel Burren' and we will be creating a stained- glass window affect in the style of Daniel Burren. 


This term, the children will be designing, making and evaluating their own Christmas puppet. They will be learning how to sew using felt and needles. 


Parents' meetings: 25th September.                            Library visit: 4th October                                           

History trip: 20th October                                        Halloween disco: 31st October   


Our teaching team

Class 1: Mrs Rowlandson

Class 4: Miss Lewthwaite

Class 8: Mrs Trainor

Our support team

Class 1: Mrs McLaughlin

Class 4: Mrs Peck

Class 9: Mrs Gillespie


Scroll down for our weekly learning updates!

Children need to:

  • Bring PE kits into school for PE (PE will be on a Wednesday this term)
  • Bring their clear reading book bags in every Tuesday
  • Bring a bottle of water into school everyday

Our topic this term is



 below are our knowledge organisers that will give you useful information on what your child will be learning in school.  We love to see our children practising the skills that they have already learnt in school!


Our Year 2 children have been getting into the swing of their weekly spellings that we have incorporated into our English lessons. Below is a list of all the spellings that the children need to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2.



This term we are trying so hard to practise our cursive handwriting as well as remembering how to compose a sentence. 

We are focusing on capital letters, punctuation and adjectives this term. 


Take a look at some of the children's fabulous writing...



This term, in Maths, we are concentrating on number recognition, place value, comparing numbers and addition and subtraction. 

Have a look at our children working hard in Maths....


Autumn 1 -

In Science, we have been exploring different materials. The children have categorised and compared materials. They have also gone on a materials hunt around school and found different materials around us. 


Autumn 2 - 

This term, we're exploring 'Animals including humans'. We will be learning all about a human's life cycle and we will compare that with an animal's life cycle. 

Topic: 'Fire'- History 

This term, we have learned all about The Great Fire of London. The children have loved finding out all about the event and have enjoyed comparing London in 1666 to London now. They have placed events chronologically into a timeline, explored sources of information and have even re-enacted the Great Fire with the help from our local firefighters. 

Trip to Whitehaven 

As apart of our history topic 'fire', we visited our local town centre (Whitehaven) to see St Nicholas' church. In August 1971, St Nicholas' church set on fire and more than half of the church burned down; it still remains that way today. 

The children were able to compare this 'fire' tragedy with the Great Fire of London (1666). The children even got to speak to two women who were present at the fire in Whitehaven; asking them lots of wonderful questions. 



This term, the children will be exploring all about the United Kingdom. They will find out about the countries which make up the UK by using maps, a globe and an atlas to help them. They will deep further into England's capital city, London (which they have just learned about in History) and they will compare London (a city) with Whitehaven (a town).


Physical Education 

This term in PE, we have been exploring the art of 'dance' and we have been learning how to 'throw and catch' in PE. Take a look at us using and applying the new skills that we have learned during our PE lessons. 


This term we are going to be learning about blending and colour mixing. We will be learning about the artist 'Daniel Burren' and we will be creating a stained- glass window affect in the style of Daniel Burren. 


This term, the children will be designing, making and evaluating their own Christmas puppet. They will be learning how to sew using felt and needles.