
Autumn 2 

Week 8

To finish off our final couple of days of the term we had a special visit from Father Christmas, he read a story and brought and a gift for everyone 

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Week 6

This week we continued with our Christmas celebrations in school we had a Christmas party, soft play, face painting, biscuit making and party food. In getting ready for reading we are learning about rhyming words, trying to listen and identify them in stories. During  maths we are continuing to try  hard with repeating patterns and look at trickier patterns such as red, blue,green, red, blue,green. 

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Week 4

It’s road safety week and nursery have been learning all about how to stay safe when walking near roads, travelling in the car or crossing the road. We practised the skills we learned this week by going out for a walk in our local community to help us to cross the roads safely. In maths we have been learning all about repeating patterns and during getting ready for reading we have been trying hard with rhyming words. During RE we looked at and made an Advent wreath. We know that at Christmas time we have an Advent Wreath.

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Week 3

We are proud to be World Nursery Rhyme Week ambassadors! We've had such a great week learning the rhymes: Jack and Jill, Hickory Dickory Dock, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Row, Row, Row Your Boat and The Wheels on the Bus. We took part in so many different activities such as: using a doctor's kit to practise bandaging our friend's head, discussing our daily routines, smelling different scented playdough, etc. 

This week we also celebrated World Kindness Day and Children in Need. We spoke about how we can help others and how to be kind to one another. 

In Maths, we learned all about the number 2! In R.E. we focussed on the shepherds important role in the birth of Jesus. 

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Week 2 

This week we have continued with our topic of Celebrations and what a busy week of celebrating we have had! We carried out various activities to celebrate Bonfire Day, Remembrance Day and World Science Day. 

During Maths this week we focused on subitising with number two and recognising how it looked in different forms and sizes. 

In getting ready for reading we continued with our body percussion the children are getting really good at following a beat and making the sounds. 

In RE our focus was on recalling that Jesus was born in Bethlehem we made and painted Bethlehem and looked at where it was on the map. 

It was also parents evening all of the teachers in Nursery are so proud and pleased with how all of the children have settled in and the progress they are making.  

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Week 1 

This term is all about Celebrations! We started our theme by celebrating Halloween! We had a party in Nursery where we wore our spooky costumes, made decorations and creepy crafts. We shared lots of Halloween themed stories such as 'Spider Sandwiches', 'Meg and Mog', 'Winnie the Witch' and 'Room on a broom'. The children were so excited to share their news with all their friends. A big 'thank you' to parents for sharing photos through Tapestry :) Towards the end of the week, we learned about fire safety and how we can keep ourselves, family and pets safe for Bonfire Night celebrations. We even toasted our own marshmallows in Nursery's fire pit! 

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Week 6 

'Where's Spot?' by Eric Hill has been our focus book this week! Spot likes to hide in different places. The children followed different positional language instructions to hide just like Spot and used that new vocabulary to describe where their friend was hiding. In P.E. we practised balancing, standing on 1 leg and jumping on 2 feet. We ran and changed direction and practised how to freeze. We focused on control when jumping and the teachers were very impressed. In our getting ready for reading time we focused on performing to our group with musical instruments. In maths, our song this week was 5 current buns! We were also sorting blocks into their correct size, e.g. small, medium and large. The children also used the mathematical language small, medium and large independently.

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Week 5

This week in Nursery we looked at the book Dear Zoo. The children are fantastic at retelling the story. We were joined in school by lots of different pets to find out what we thought would be the perfect Pet. First, we had Miss Young’s dog Brody the St Bernard, followed by Bella the Tortoise, Fudge the Rabbit, Squeak the Hamster and then Miss Moffitt brought in her sons two geckos.

In Maths we were finding matching pairs of handprints and numicon. During phonics our focus was instrumental sounds the children have been following instructions depending on the noise the instrument made. 

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Week 4

This week has all been about choices. We read 'You Choose' by Pippa Goodhart and discussed what we would choose and why. The children are improving building on their sentences by explaining the reasoning behind their choices. In Phunky Foods this week we made a choice between 3 recipes. Most children voted for 'Super Crunch' and choose what fruit they would like to put in their recipe. In our listening time, we drew pictures of sounds that we like to listen to and sounds we don't. Most children liked calming, quiet sounds and didn't like sudden, loud noises. In maths, we have been looking carefully at different objects to see whether they are a match or not. 

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Week 3

What a busy week we have had in Nursery! This week we have been reading the story ‘The Colour Monster’. The children have been great at recognising all the colours and joining in with the activities. We talked about the monsters feelings being all muddled up and created our own feelings bottles to keep the emotions in. The children have sorted items, painted and coloured  pictures, and collected items according to  colour. During maths we were spotting the odd one out with different colours and going on colour hunts. We looked in mirrors and explored our different features and the colours of them. We made self portraits to show how we are all different and unique we know that we are precious to God. We had a go at recognising, making and writing our names.  

Week 2

Our first week altogether! We loved making new friends and learning about everyone's likes and dislikes. We read 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle. We looked at all the different colours, animals and sounds they made in our listening time. In Maths we further explored primary colours on our colour hunt and had a go at identifying the odd colour out and saying what our reasoning was. On Wednesday we had our first P.E. session with Mr Rowell! We all listened well to instructions and enjoyed moving in different ways and balancing. 

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Week 1

Such an exciting week of home visits and catching up with our January and April intake children. Nursery staff loved hearing about all the wonderful things the children have been up to in the summer holidays. The children enjoyed exploring the classroom after the teachers had a move around!

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Autumn 2 

Week 8

To finish off our final couple of days of the term we had a special visit from Father Christmas, he read a story and brought and a gift for everyone 

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Week 6

This week we continued with our Christmas celebrations in school we had a Christmas party, soft play, face painting, biscuit making and party food. In getting ready for reading we are learning about rhyming words, trying to listen and identify them in stories. During  maths we are continuing to try  hard with repeating patterns and look at trickier patterns such as red, blue,green, red, blue,green. 

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Week 4

It’s road safety week and nursery have been learning all about how to stay safe when walking near roads, travelling in the car or crossing the road. We practised the skills we learned this week by going out for a walk in our local community to help us to cross the roads safely. In maths we have been learning all about repeating patterns and during getting ready for reading we have been trying hard with rhyming words. During RE we looked at and made an Advent wreath. We know that at Christmas time we have an Advent Wreath.

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Week 3

We are proud to be World Nursery Rhyme Week ambassadors! We've had such a great week learning the rhymes: Jack and Jill, Hickory Dickory Dock, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Row, Row, Row Your Boat and The Wheels on the Bus. We took part in so many different activities such as: using a doctor's kit to practise bandaging our friend's head, discussing our daily routines, smelling different scented playdough, etc. 

This week we also celebrated World Kindness Day and Children in Need. We spoke about how we can help others and how to be kind to one another. 

In Maths, we learned all about the number 2! In R.E. we focussed on the shepherds important role in the birth of Jesus. 

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Week 2 

This week we have continued with our topic of Celebrations and what a busy week of celebrating we have had! We carried out various activities to celebrate Bonfire Day, Remembrance Day and World Science Day. 

During Maths this week we focused on subitising with number two and recognising how it looked in different forms and sizes. 

In getting ready for reading we continued with our body percussion the children are getting really good at following a beat and making the sounds. 

In RE our focus was on recalling that Jesus was born in Bethlehem we made and painted Bethlehem and looked at where it was on the map. 

It was also parents evening all of the teachers in Nursery are so proud and pleased with how all of the children have settled in and the progress they are making.  

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Week 1 

This term is all about Celebrations! We started our theme by celebrating Halloween! We had a party in Nursery where we wore our spooky costumes, made decorations and creepy crafts. We shared lots of Halloween themed stories such as 'Spider Sandwiches', 'Meg and Mog', 'Winnie the Witch' and 'Room on a broom'. The children were so excited to share their news with all their friends. A big 'thank you' to parents for sharing photos through Tapestry :) Towards the end of the week, we learned about fire safety and how we can keep ourselves, family and pets safe for Bonfire Night celebrations. We even toasted our own marshmallows in Nursery's fire pit! 

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Week 6 

'Where's Spot?' by Eric Hill has been our focus book this week! Spot likes to hide in different places. The children followed different positional language instructions to hide just like Spot and used that new vocabulary to describe where their friend was hiding. In P.E. we practised balancing, standing on 1 leg and jumping on 2 feet. We ran and changed direction and practised how to freeze. We focused on control when jumping and the teachers were very impressed. In our getting ready for reading time we focused on performing to our group with musical instruments. In maths, our song this week was 5 current buns! We were also sorting blocks into their correct size, e.g. small, medium and large. The children also used the mathematical language small, medium and large independently.

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Week 5

This week in Nursery we looked at the book Dear Zoo. The children are fantastic at retelling the story. We were joined in school by lots of different pets to find out what we thought would be the perfect Pet. First, we had Miss Young’s dog Brody the St Bernard, followed by Bella the Tortoise, Fudge the Rabbit, Squeak the Hamster and then Miss Moffitt brought in her sons two geckos.

In Maths we were finding matching pairs of handprints and numicon. During phonics our focus was instrumental sounds the children have been following instructions depending on the noise the instrument made. 

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Week 4

This week has all been about choices. We read 'You Choose' by Pippa Goodhart and discussed what we would choose and why. The children are improving building on their sentences by explaining the reasoning behind their choices. In Phunky Foods this week we made a choice between 3 recipes. Most children voted for 'Super Crunch' and choose what fruit they would like to put in their recipe. In our listening time, we drew pictures of sounds that we like to listen to and sounds we don't. Most children liked calming, quiet sounds and didn't like sudden, loud noises. In maths, we have been looking carefully at different objects to see whether they are a match or not. 

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Week 3

What a busy week we have had in Nursery! This week we have been reading the story ‘The Colour Monster’. The children have been great at recognising all the colours and joining in with the activities. We talked about the monsters feelings being all muddled up and created our own feelings bottles to keep the emotions in. The children have sorted items, painted and coloured  pictures, and collected items according to  colour. During maths we were spotting the odd one out with different colours and going on colour hunts. We looked in mirrors and explored our different features and the colours of them. We made self portraits to show how we are all different and unique we know that we are precious to God. We had a go at recognising, making and writing our names.  

Week 2

Our first week altogether! We loved making new friends and learning about everyone's likes and dislikes. We read 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle. We looked at all the different colours, animals and sounds they made in our listening time. In Maths we further explored primary colours on our colour hunt and had a go at identifying the odd colour out and saying what our reasoning was. On Wednesday we had our first P.E. session with Mr Rowell! We all listened well to instructions and enjoyed moving in different ways and balancing. 

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Week 1

Such an exciting week of home visits and catching up with our January and April intake children. Nursery staff loved hearing about all the wonderful things the children have been up to in the summer holidays. The children enjoyed exploring the classroom after the teachers had a move around!

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