Our Curriculum
At St Gregory and St. Patrick’s we strive for our children to ‘Achieve Great Things through the Love of God’; at the heart of this is the desire that everyone feels valued and respected as a unique, special and gifted individual. We want our children to make the most of every gift they have been given and so provide outstanding Christian education through a curriculum which is rich in content and aspirational in order to allow each individual to fulfil their potential – to achieve ‘their great things’.
Our curriculum is a carefully planned build-up of knowledge and skills with a strong emphasis on early reading. It is sequenced and designed to recognise prior learning thus ensuring our children have secure foundations. Only on truly strong foundations do our children have the best opportunity to build learning and fulfil their potential.
At St Gregory’s and St. Patrick’s we provide a stimulating, engaging curriculum. Our children enjoy learning. The most important element of our curriculum is its relevance to our children. We use our local environment and beyond to create rich and memorable experiences.
Our children are given the opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills that allow them to reason, question and explore the world in which they live.
Our aim is to make our children into independent, resilient learners who love to learn; ultimately making sure that they can make a full contribution to their community and beyond.
Please see the 'curriculum content' page on the menu to see what your child will be learning in each Year group.
Our Curriculum
At St Gregory and St. Patrick’s we strive for our children to ‘Achieve Great Things through the Love of God’; at the heart of this is the desire that everyone feels valued and respected as a unique, special and gifted individual. We want our children to make the most of every gift they have been given and so provide outstanding Christian education through a curriculum which is rich in content and aspirational in order to allow each individual to fulfil their potential – to achieve ‘their great things’.
Our curriculum is a carefully planned build-up of knowledge and skills with a strong emphasis on early reading. It is sequenced and designed to recognise prior learning thus ensuring our children have secure foundations. Only on truly strong foundations do our children have the best opportunity to build learning and fulfil their potential.
At St Gregory’s and St. Patrick’s we provide a stimulating, engaging curriculum. Our children enjoy learning. The most important element of our curriculum is its relevance to our children. We use our local environment and beyond to create rich and memorable experiences.
Our children are given the opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills that allow them to reason, question and explore the world in which they live.
Our aim is to make our children into independent, resilient learners who love to learn; ultimately making sure that they can make a full contribution to their community and beyond.
Please see the 'curriculum content' page on the menu to see what your child will be learning in each Year group.