
This is the presentation we usually show at our June welcome meeting


Click below for some great documents to prepare your child for school:


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Transition to Reception

We are so pleased that you have chosen to send your child to St Gregory and St Patrick's School! Here's some further information to help your child with their move into Reception! We know it is a very strange time for your child but we home to make the move as easy as possible! We are looking forward to getting to know you and your child and working together throughout the year on this stage of their learning journey. 

In Reception we aim:
‚· To develop a collaborative partnership with parents/ carers, enabling children to
learn at home and at school.

‚· To provide a welcoming, safe environment
which enables children to explore, discuss, question
and learn.

‚· To interact with children and support them
in their physical, social and emotional

‚· To provide stimulating activities and opportunities to develop basic skills,
Understanding of the world and creativity.

‚· To give each child a wide range of opportunities and experiences
‚· To involve ourselves within the wider community through visits and visitors 

Click below to download our welcome leaflet 


What to expect in Reception 

Common Questions and Answers

  • How can I be a part of my child's education as much as possible?
  • School is so important! From a teacher's point of view we would love it if every parent did the following:
  1. Provide school routine in a morning so children are not late or hungry.
  2. Make sure your child knows who is picking them up on that particular day.
  3. Read to your child every evening. Never stop! (well maybe in their teens if you have to.)
  4. Listen to your child read for about 10mins every day and write in their Reading Record each week.
  5. Complete their homework task each week
  6. Check the Learning book app for updates on your child’s learning and keep us updated with photos from home
  7. Check the weekly learning notices in the class window with ideas for learning at home.


  • Is the reception year all about playing?

We are very similar to Nursery in the fact that we are “play based.” The Reception Year is part of the Foundation Stage and with your support will set your child up for the rest of their school life. We will teach them how to behave at school, how to learn at school, how to speak to others at school, how to become independent learners and thinkers at school, how to read, how to write, how to count, add up, take away, learn number facts, understand what a number means, how to hold a pencil with a tripod grip, how to use scissors, how to get changed independently, to name but a few things that your child will be busy learning throughout this year. We are keen to let children be children and lots of the skill they require t learn this year can be taught through play and very active/ hands on adult led learning experiences. You will see on Learning Book the huge range of activities that your child participates in!


  • What time does school start and finish?

     The gate will be opened at 8.50 am with classes starting at 9. We do advise that your child is ready to enter the class door 8:50 so they have plenty of time to complete their daily early morning task.

     School finishes at 3.10pm.

  • Can I drop my child off earlier than 8.30am?

    Breakfast club is available as part of our wrap around care. Ask in the Office for details of costs and times.


  • What does my child need to bring to school every day?

      Named water bottle (water only, no juice/squash) this will be brought into class on Mondays and sent home on Fridays for a deep clean.

      Named book bag (this needs tobe a flat rectangular bag that can easily fit into their own trays. )

     Named coat, appropriate to the weather as we spend a lot of time outside.


  • Will my child get chance to play outside?

To enable us to learn about our environment, children spend much of their time outside. They will need a waterproof coat and warm clothing during the cold months, and a sun hat and sun cream during the warmer months. Sun cream should be applied before the start of the school day.

  • What PE kit will my child need?

For PE children wear white T.shirts/ blue shorts and plimsols

Please make sure that all clothes are named, including shoes,

PE kits need to come to school in a drawstring bag to keep in their  lockers.

The PE kit will be sent home every half term for a wash.

  • How will I tell you who is picking up my child?
  1. There will always be a member of staff on our class doors in the morning, please tell them.
  2. if this changes during the day we appreciate a call to the office to let us know who will collect your child


  • Should I be teaching my child to write their name or read?

At this stage practising forming some letters from their name would be great, remember to us the handwritten name card we sent home in your welcome packs.


  • What do I (and you) do if my child is crying when I drop them off?

We're used to it! Most children will cry at dropping off time at some point in the year as tiredness gets to them or they realise they have to keep coming to this school thing every day!  

We will ask you to try to release yourself from them asap and we will help you with this by trying to distract your child in the classroom so you can get out of view quickly. We promise you they will be ok within minutes. We do understand how upsetting this can be for all concerned (we deal with it confidently and compassionately but we are not 'hardened' to it and cannot see a time when we will ever be) .

  • Will my child come home really dirty after a day at school?

We will use paints, chalk, water, have a mud kitchen, be using the gardening area and the outside areas can be muddy/dusty so be prepared.  Fortunately, we don't expect a pristine uniform after that first morning so don't put that pressure on yourself! Just know that they are having fun whilst learning. Yes, they might come home a little muddy or with a few splodges of paint, but this is a sign that they have been busy learning! Remember what we said about learning through play?


  • Why is my child so tired? They are used to full time nursery!

Reception is different from nursery and we do carry out lots more planned learning activities, even us grown ups are worn out after week 1! We joke that is because we never stop, but I think that really is the reason! We are busy busy busy and soon it will become normal to your child. We must also remember that this year they have had a huge gap in education and are not use to coming in each day in this way!


  • When will my child be on the captain’s table or win the Golden Sweatshirt?

Oh isn't it hard to wait!! Each are awarded for different things, the golden sweatshirt is awarded to children we have seen working towards our gospel values, the captains table is for children who have worked towards their own personal targets. We do keep a record of who has had each award and each child will get an opportunity to receive both rewards!

  • When will I hear about how my child is doing?

We will be uploading regularly to the Learning Book app so you can see what your child is up to each week! If you would like to have a more personal chat, please wait until the end of the day when we have let most children out of class, we are always happy to have a chat!

  • Can I help in class?

Some parents may be interested in helping in school. We are always keen to have extra help with things such as hearing readers, and also love to have parents share their expertise and skills with the children. We are keen to have parents in to read to children too, if you are happy to share a story at the end of the day that would be fantastic!

In addition, we need volunteers when we are out and about! We cant go for a walk without some volunteers due to the child: adult ratio so if you have a particular day that is best for you to help please let us know!

If you think you might like to help, please contact the school office or class teacher.


This is the presentation we usually show at our June welcome meeting


Click below for some great documents to prepare your child for school:


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Transition to Reception

We are so pleased that you have chosen to send your child to St Gregory and St Patrick's School! Here's some further information to help your child with their move into Reception! We know it is a very strange time for your child but we home to make the move as easy as possible! We are looking forward to getting to know you and your child and working together throughout the year on this stage of their learning journey. 

In Reception we aim:
‚· To develop a collaborative partnership with parents/ carers, enabling children to
learn at home and at school.

‚· To provide a welcoming, safe environment
which enables children to explore, discuss, question
and learn.

‚· To interact with children and support them
in their physical, social and emotional

‚· To provide stimulating activities and opportunities to develop basic skills,
Understanding of the world and creativity.

‚· To give each child a wide range of opportunities and experiences
‚· To involve ourselves within the wider community through visits and visitors 

Click below to download our welcome leaflet 


What to expect in Reception 

Common Questions and Answers

  • How can I be a part of my child's education as much as possible?
  • School is so important! From a teacher's point of view we would love it if every parent did the following:
  1. Provide school routine in a morning so children are not late or hungry.
  2. Make sure your child knows who is picking them up on that particular day.
  3. Read to your child every evening. Never stop! (well maybe in their teens if you have to.)
  4. Listen to your child read for about 10mins every day and write in their Reading Record each week.
  5. Complete their homework task each week
  6. Check the Learning book app for updates on your child’s learning and keep us updated with photos from home
  7. Check the weekly learning notices in the class window with ideas for learning at home.


  • Is the reception year all about playing?

We are very similar to Nursery in the fact that we are “play based.” The Reception Year is part of the Foundation Stage and with your support will set your child up for the rest of their school life. We will teach them how to behave at school, how to learn at school, how to speak to others at school, how to become independent learners and thinkers at school, how to read, how to write, how to count, add up, take away, learn number facts, understand what a number means, how to hold a pencil with a tripod grip, how to use scissors, how to get changed independently, to name but a few things that your child will be busy learning throughout this year. We are keen to let children be children and lots of the skill they require t learn this year can be taught through play and very active/ hands on adult led learning experiences. You will see on Learning Book the huge range of activities that your child participates in!


  • What time does school start and finish?

     The gate will be opened at 8.50 am with classes starting at 9. We do advise that your child is ready to enter the class door 8:50 so they have plenty of time to complete their daily early morning task.

     School finishes at 3.10pm.

  • Can I drop my child off earlier than 8.30am?

    Breakfast club is available as part of our wrap around care. Ask in the Office for details of costs and times.


  • What does my child need to bring to school every day?

      Named water bottle (water only, no juice/squash) this will be brought into class on Mondays and sent home on Fridays for a deep clean.

      Named book bag (this needs tobe a flat rectangular bag that can easily fit into their own trays. )

     Named coat, appropriate to the weather as we spend a lot of time outside.


  • Will my child get chance to play outside?

To enable us to learn about our environment, children spend much of their time outside. They will need a waterproof coat and warm clothing during the cold months, and a sun hat and sun cream during the warmer months. Sun cream should be applied before the start of the school day.

  • What PE kit will my child need?

For PE children wear white T.shirts/ blue shorts and plimsols

Please make sure that all clothes are named, including shoes,

PE kits need to come to school in a drawstring bag to keep in their  lockers.

The PE kit will be sent home every half term for a wash.

  • How will I tell you who is picking up my child?
  1. There will always be a member of staff on our class doors in the morning, please tell them.
  2. if this changes during the day we appreciate a call to the office to let us know who will collect your child


  • Should I be teaching my child to write their name or read?

At this stage practising forming some letters from their name would be great, remember to us the handwritten name card we sent home in your welcome packs.


  • What do I (and you) do if my child is crying when I drop them off?

We're used to it! Most children will cry at dropping off time at some point in the year as tiredness gets to them or they realise they have to keep coming to this school thing every day!  

We will ask you to try to release yourself from them asap and we will help you with this by trying to distract your child in the classroom so you can get out of view quickly. We promise you they will be ok within minutes. We do understand how upsetting this can be for all concerned (we deal with it confidently and compassionately but we are not 'hardened' to it and cannot see a time when we will ever be) .

  • Will my child come home really dirty after a day at school?

We will use paints, chalk, water, have a mud kitchen, be using the gardening area and the outside areas can be muddy/dusty so be prepared.  Fortunately, we don't expect a pristine uniform after that first morning so don't put that pressure on yourself! Just know that they are having fun whilst learning. Yes, they might come home a little muddy or with a few splodges of paint, but this is a sign that they have been busy learning! Remember what we said about learning through play?


  • Why is my child so tired? They are used to full time nursery!

Reception is different from nursery and we do carry out lots more planned learning activities, even us grown ups are worn out after week 1! We joke that is because we never stop, but I think that really is the reason! We are busy busy busy and soon it will become normal to your child. We must also remember that this year they have had a huge gap in education and are not use to coming in each day in this way!


  • When will my child be on the captain’s table or win the Golden Sweatshirt?

Oh isn't it hard to wait!! Each are awarded for different things, the golden sweatshirt is awarded to children we have seen working towards our gospel values, the captains table is for children who have worked towards their own personal targets. We do keep a record of who has had each award and each child will get an opportunity to receive both rewards!

  • When will I hear about how my child is doing?

We will be uploading regularly to the Learning Book app so you can see what your child is up to each week! If you would like to have a more personal chat, please wait until the end of the day when we have let most children out of class, we are always happy to have a chat!

  • Can I help in class?

Some parents may be interested in helping in school. We are always keen to have extra help with things such as hearing readers, and also love to have parents share their expertise and skills with the children. We are keen to have parents in to read to children too, if you are happy to share a story at the end of the day that would be fantastic!

In addition, we need volunteers when we are out and about! We cant go for a walk without some volunteers due to the child: adult ratio so if you have a particular day that is best for you to help please let us know!

If you think you might like to help, please contact the school office or class teacher.