St Gregory & St Patrick's Catholic Infant School

Governing Body


Kirsty Rowell


Charlotte Gillies- Assistant head teacher/Reception Lead/SENCO

Local Authority

Lianne Knott - Lianne has a daughter in Reception and currently works as a project manager at Sellafield.  Lianne has experience in planning, business improvements, construction and decision making, out of work my hobbies are fell walking, walking my sausage dog and keeping fit.


Steph Power -  has worked at Sellafield for the past 16yrs in the Magnox Reprocessing plant as Operations Support.   Steph has two children, she enjoys time with her family & walking her dog Maggie. 

Steph is our Chair of governors. She is contactable via the school.

Judith Starkie - Registered nurse and Health visitor working on the local community.  Currently safeguarding governor and part of the Health & Safety and Curriculum & Standards committees.

David Rogac - worked at Sellafield Ltd for 40 years, first 10 years were spent In Cost Accounting and the last 30 years spent as a Nuclear Materials Accountant working  with International Nuclear Materials Inspectors who visit Site.  Prior to joining Sellafield he worked for a local Chartered Accountant in Whitehaven.

David has been a Church Minister at St Benedict’s for the last 15 years.

Outside interests are walking his two dogs, documentaries on World War 2, all Sport on TV, Cinema, and following Workington Reds and Carlisle United Football Teams

He has been a Governor since 1999 and is currently on the Staffing and Finance Committee.

Marc Shimmin - Marc has worked at Sellafield for 27 years in various Engineering and maintenance roles and currently in a business improvement role.

Marc also attended St Gregory and St Patrick's as a child and has 2 girls that have and is currently attending the school.

Marc's interests include going to the gym, playing rugby and managing the rugby club function room and bar.

Rachel Mellor - Rachel has worked at Sellafield for 24 years in a range of roles Planning, finance and business support.

Rachel has 2 daughters, which one attends St Gregory and St Patrick’s.

Rachel’s interests are running and holidaying with family and friends

Carly Williamson - Carly has worked at Sellafield for 20 years in a number of different roles ranging from engineering and maintenance through to assurance and compliance, specialising in instrumentation systems.

Carly attended St Gregory’s and St Patrick’s as a child and currently has a son in Year 1.

Interests include spending time with friends and family and keeping fit.


Brian Bowman - Brian has worked at Sellafield for 18 years predominantly within the operations department. This is often a challenging, but, rewarding role. 

He attended St Gregory’s & St Patrick’s as a child & currently has a daughter in the school.

Hobbies include family, photography, films, music, mixed martial arts (watching, not taking part) & anything Halloween related.



Kathryn Ball - also working the school office since 2003.

If you would like to contact us please send an email to :

Category Name       Term of Office

Attendance this

academic year


Head teacher Kirsty Rowell    
Staff Charlotte Gillies Jul 2022-2026 2/3 
Local Authority Lianne Knott April 2023-2027 3/3
Foundation Rachel Mellor June 2023-2027 3/3 
Foundation Marc Shimmin (Vice chair) Oct 2023-2027 3/3 
Foundation Carly Williamson Sept 2023-2027 3/3
Foundation Steph Power (Chair) Mar 2021-2025 3/3 
Foundation David Rogac Dec 2020-2024 3/3 
Foundation Judith Starkie (Safeguarding) Mar 2022-2026 3/3 
Foundation Vacancy    
Parent Donna Campbell Oct 2021 - 2025 2/3 
Parent Brian Bowman Nov 2023 - 2026 2/3 



Staff & Finance

Buildings, Health & Safety

Curriculum & Standards

Steph Power (Chair)

Marc Shimmin

David Rogac

Donna Campbell

Rachel Mellor

David Rogac (Chair)

Judith Starkie

Steph Power

Lianne Knott

Marc Shimmin

Carly Williamson

Brian Bowman

Judith Starkie (Chair)

Lianne Knott

Charlotte Gillies

Donna Campbell

Rachel Mellor

Carly Williamson

Brian Bowman


See the source image

What do we do?

The main role of the Governing Body is to help raise the standards and performance of the school by supporting the work of the head teacher and staff.  We work very closely with the senior leadership team and the rest of the staff to provide support, but we also challenge and ask questions to ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the school and its pupils. We do not become involved in the day to day management of the school because this is the Head Teacher’s responsibility but we do hold her to account for the performance of the school.

How do we do this?

We meet as a full Governing Body at least once a term to consider a wide range of issues including school improvement, policies and finances.  We have also established a number of committees which allow us to discuss issues in more depth and report back to the full Governing Body.  Our committees are:

Staffing and Finance

Buildings, Health and Safety (including Premises and safeguarding)

Curriculum and Standards

Committees also meet once a term and all governors sit on at least one committee.  We also carry out monitoring visits to help us understand and appreciate the workings of the school.  Sometimes these are just walks around the building to develop our own knowledge and on other occasions they are focused on a particular aspect of the school's performance and involve discussions with staff and pupils.  We do not make judgements about the quality of teaching or the progress of individual pupils because that is the responsibility of the head teacher.  We also attend training to assist us in carrying out our duties effectively

 Who are we?

Our governors come from many different backgrounds but we all have one thing in common: we are passionate about St Gregory and  St Patrick’s Catholic Infant School and dedicated to ensuring that our pupils have the best education possible.  We all bring different skills and experiences but we work well together in the best interests of the school.  The normal term of office for governors is four years, although sometimes governors are reappointed for further terms if they wish.

Parent Governors:

Parent governors are elected by other parents of pupils registered at the school.  They should be parents of pupils currently at the school but they may serve out their term of office if their child leaves.  Parents who are also members of staff are not eligible to be parent governors.

Local Authority Governors:

Authority governors are appointed by the local authority which maintains the school, in our case this is Cumbria.  Sometimes potential authority governors approach Cumbria LA and ask to be allocated to a particular Governing Body but, in practice, such governors are usually recommended by ourselves and then approved by the LA.

Foundation Governors:

Foundation governors are appointed by the diocese to represent Catholic interests.  They can be people who live or work in the local community or anyone else who is committed to the success of our school. 

Staff Governors:

The head teacher of a school automatically becomes a governor at the time of appointment unless they inform the Governing Body that they do not want to be a member.  Our head teacher is a governor and this ensures a really productive working relationship.  Other staff members are elected by and from the whole teaching and non-teaching staff.  Staff governors may not continue to be governors if they cease to be employed by us.

In addition staff members can be co-opted on to the governing body.

Governors Responsibilities: